My Mood Today Is Frustrated
My mood today is frustrated. While you may be saying, hey, wait, that's the same as frazzled and stressed, it isn’t really. I am frustrated with some of the things that have been going on around here.
First, my kids have been super unhelpful lately. I asked them to help me make dinner last night, and it was a total disaster. Second, I haven’t been able to get my hair done properly in quite some time, as my hair salon is not yet open, and my hair dresser friend hasn’t had time for me to trade with her. Finally, I haven’t been able to go to the gym at all in much too long.
This has led to my current mood, of frustration. Last time I posted, my kids were in school. Now it is summer, but they were off from school for quite a while. That can really make you want to pull your hair out.
I mean, they just want to run around and play all day, but I take education quite seriously. I am a hairdresser by trade, and I know that education is really the ticket to a better life. Of course, I want a better life for my three kids.
Although I have had a great life, there have been times it could have been easier. Their dad left when they were very young, and if you know any single moms in your life, it really is quite the difficult thing.
Now that they’re grown up a little but more, they can help out around the house. If I can get them to, that is.
I haven’t had much success with that lately, and since we have all been home together up until recently, it really makes me blow up at them more than is really necessary.
I mean, did he really have to leave the towel on the floor for the thousandth time? Did he really have to make a mess in the kitchen playing with some kind of experiment on the table? And then not even have the thoughtfulness to clean it up?
Why leave stuff for me to do? Why not be more considerate?
As I said, frustrated is my mood today, and I like to vent sometimes. Maybe my next post will be calmer. After all, things are getting back to normal around here, finally, and we will all be out of the house much more often in the coming weeks.
Then I can get my hair done in a normal salon type of way, go to the gym and melt off some of the pounds that I notice creeping on in these last couple of months. That will take away some of my frustration. It always does. Until then, keep it real people.
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